

stop wasting time on

stop wasting TIME on

INEFFECTIVE methods to Land

referral partners

We will connect, qualify, and book appointments for you with producing realtors every single week

Clients We've Worked With

Companies We've Worked With


Approved Vendors For

Loan Officer marketing to realtors

If You're A Loan Originator, Independent Broker, Branch Manager, Bank or Retail Loan Officer

And You've Tried:

  • Buying leads but getting zero R.O.I or low quality leads
  • Traditional marketing (direct mail, magazine ads, etc.)
  • Cold calling potential referral partners
  • Attending networking events
  • Doing lunch and learns
  • Making in person visits to no avail

But it's still not getting you the kind of reliable referral sources or enough referrals to hit your revenue goals, then there is a much more effective and more profitable strategy to bring you more referrals with less effort and time.

Our clients average 5-15 realtor partnerships in a span of 90 days or less! Spots are extremely limited since we only work with one mortgage professional per area. Book your call to claim your city and get a price!

What Our Clients Have To Say...

I want to help you become the #1 PREFERRED PROFESSIONAL in your area 


(and revenue!)*

Quality mortgage leads


Founder of Maverick Media Lab

  • 6+ Years Of Referral Marketing Experience
  • Has Worked With 350+ Mortgage Professionals
  • Featured on Yahoo Finance, MarketWatch, & California Herald


Starter Story

If You're ready to SKYROCKET your Business growth and help more people...

The Time Is Now

Jamey Milheiser - Bank Loan Officer Lands Whale Realtor And 2 More Realtor Partners In 5 Weeks!

Consistency and time- it was the two things getting in the way of Jamey growing his partnerships. He knew how to prospect realtors, how to talk to realtors and he's great at follow up. But managing current clients and existing realtors gets time consuming.

He needed someone to do the heavy lifting of prospecting for him so he could focus on talking to more qualified realtors, more consistently (without cold calling himself or wasting time doing $10/hour tasks when his time was worth $100+/hour).

Within the first 5 weeks, he landed a "big fish" realtor in his area and 2 other realtor partners (producing 8+ buyer sides) all which sent him at least 1 referral, and that was all without him making a single cold call and without going to a single networking event.

Randy Bongard - Lands Top Real Estate Agent And Closes 3 Transactions With Her Within 90 Days!

Before working with us, Randy was making cold calls himself but he found that it was taking too much of his time because a lot of his time was wasted talking to agents that just weren't interested.

When we began to take over the calls for him, he was seeing about 4-5 warm meetings with realtors every week. One of which turned out to be a top producing realtor who Randy closed a transaction with in 30 days and then 2 more transactions 60 days later!

Duane Woodard - Generates 20 Referrals From Realtors (Without Cold Calling)

Duane had tried it all when it comes to marketing. You name it, he tried it. His most recent marketing endeavor was buying leads from Zillow. When he had started with Maverick Media Lab, he ended his contract with Zillow. The very next week, he started taking realtor meetings.

Not only has he closed deals and gotten referrals every week, but he has more time freedom and more mental bandwidth. Previously, he was making a ton of calls himself and he found that it was affecting his mindset when he made all those cold calls and he wasn't able to tackle the rest of his day 100%. Now the calling is hands off, and now he only talks to realtors that are open to talking with him from the meetings we had set for him.

Daniel Horrell - Producing Branch Manager Adds 12 Realtor Partners

Daniel was feeling like a glorified telemarketer. He was making cold calls to realtors himself and ended up working with realtors that were not only demanding but that he had to "babysit" all the time. It wasn't the ideal situation.

Not only has he been able to generate referrals every week from his new referral partners, he's also now been able to partner with the listing agents from the deals he's done with his new referral partners. Not only that, he's gotten opportunities to speak at realtor offices as a result of his new referral partners making the introductions.

Roy Varner - Loan Officer Receives 4 Referrals And 1 Funded Deal From Divorce Attorneys

Roy decided to take a different approach. When everyone was reaching out to realtors. He had us reach out to divorce attorneys to help him establish referral partnerships. Within the first 3 months, he established a partnership with a divorce attorney who he closed a deal with and has received 4 more referrals as that attorney's exclusive go-to lender!

He saw that the market was slowing down and rather than slowing down with it, he made the adjustments to be able to adapt and grow despite issues with inventory and rising interest rates.

Tyler Torres - New Loan Officer Becomes Top Producer In His Branch In 9 Months!

When Tyler had heard about us from a colleague working with us, he had no outreach going out to realtors other than a few calls every week that didn't yield the results he had hoped for. Being that he was a new

self-generating loan officer that had tapped into all the referrals from his sphere of influence, he needed a consistent source of business.

He knew he didn't want to buy leads and so the only logical choice was building his realtor base. The only thing stopping him for the longest time was call reluctance and procrastination. Within the first week, he was talking to 4 full time producing realtors in his local area. He now uses Maverick Media Lab as his sole sources of generating business (aka realtor meetings).

Karen Wedvick - Gets Referrals And Closes Transactions From New Realtor Partners

Karen had recently switched companies when she began working with us, she didn't have time to consistently reach out to realtors or on her own but even moreso she only wanted to work with realtors that wanted to work with her.

When we began working together, the first thing we did was expand the target area. Then we "scrubbed" the realtors to make sure it was exactly who Karen was looking for then we brought her on average 5-6 meetings per week. She's now closed deals with realtors she previously didn't have as realtor partners!

Cory Allen - Mortgage Banker Generates 15 Appointments Per Month With Producing Realtors!

As a bank loan officer, it can be even more difficult making it through volatile markets and rising interest rates. For Cory, the only solution was to increase his lead flow. The only problem? He'd tried buying leads and it didn't work. The only option left? Growing his referral partnerships.

By growing his referral partnerships with our help, he's been able to increase referrals coming in, which by effect, increased his monthly closed deals. Now he not only has a way to get more closed deals but also a marketing company by his side to help him scale!

Mike Durr - 25 Year Mortgage Veteran Gets Lunch Meetings Every Week With Realtors

Like many of our clients. Mike had first heard about us from a colleague in the Mortgage Marketing Animals group who was seeing success from our system. Mike was already calling his database of past clients and bringing in organic leads from Google My Business but he kept putting off reaching out to realtors due to several factors (call reluctance, no time, procrastination, etc).

Now he's able to consistently get realtor lunch meetings on demand.

Realtors are not only impressed with the approach but they're intrigued enough to take the time to meet him for lunch and learn more about what he can offer them.

We've nailed down the formula for consistent referral partners:

Consistent outreach + unique value proposition + clear system = consistent producing realtor partners sending deals!

Ryan Dato - Caliber Home Loans Officer Gets Burned In The Past, Tries Maverick Media Lab And Sees Results First Month!

When Ryan first got on the phone with Maverick Media Lab, he was already skeptical because he'd been burned in the past. Like many of our other clients, he had tried other marketing companies that had promised the world and delivered very little.

He took the leap of faith and what he began to see was appointments with realtors rolling in, what's more is he saw that the realtors were engaged, they showed up, and they were actually open for a partnership. Ryan was half expecting this to be the same as his previous experiences with marketing companies. What he found was a company that kept their word and delivered on what they said they would.

Patrick Norman - Generates Additional 1.1M Per Month In Funded Deals From Realtor Referral Partners

Patrick is a client that already doing good in his business but he wanted to get to the next level - he wanted to be great! And he knew he couldn't do it on his own, he needed help and he knew that there was only a certain limit of hours he had per day (it was not enough hours to fit in reaching out to realtors AND nurturing current ones AND taking care of current clients).

Within his first month, he generated 20 appointments, his second month, he started getting referrals from realtors, his third month, he began closing deals from those realtors, and now he has a solid base of producing realtors bringing him at least an additional 1M+/month to his business.

Michael Plata - Loan Depot LO Works With Marketing Company For The First Time, Sees ROI His First Deal

Like a lot of our clients, Michael had gotten referred to us from an existing happy client. He was hesitant because he had never worked with a marketing company and he didn't know that there was a service that existed that could prospect realtors for him so it was all new to him.

After a couple talks with Gilberto he made the leap of faith, made his money back within 60 days and now refers his colleagues to Maverick Media Lab because a strong base of 10 realtor partners all of which produce 8+ buyer side transactions.

Tim Rapp - Hawaii Mortgage Broker Grows His Realtor Base Despite Tight Knit Community Of Realtors

Tim had told us one thing before he got started - he said to us that realtors in Hawaii were very tight knit and very hesitant to use lenders outside of the ones they already knew. Having worked with 300+ loan officers at this point, we had heard this same statement from loan officers in LA, Miami, NY, and pretty much every corner of the US.

What we've found is that realtors are willing to work with other loan officers outside of their current network - so long as the loan officer can grab their attention , keep their attention on the meeting, and follow up effectively. Tim was shocked to see how many realtors were open to working with him, and he got even more impressed when realtors sending referrals!

Kelly Graham: Senior Loan Officer Closes 3 Loans From 3 Realtor Partners

Kelly is a seasoned mortgage professional. He had deals coming in from his past client database but now he wanted to grow his team and bring on his sons to the business. The problem? Other than his past clients he had no other way to bring on new business for his sons.

What we did was line up his calendar with warm meetings with qualified agents in his area. we took care of the time consuming task that is prospecting and he took care of the income producing activities which is talking to agents and fostering relationships. Within 60 days, he had 3 loans in escrow and 3 new realtor partners sending him business every month but most importantly a new referral source that would allow his sons to start originating deals!

Gerry Barrientos: Retail Loan Officer Saves His Business All Through Realtor Relationships

Everything was going good for Gerry when he worked at BBVA but after certain changes in the market that all changed and he was forced to change companies as BBVA had shut down the mortgage division and so he was forced to start from scratch and worse of all, he didn't even have his list of past clients to work off of.

He saw the only route to getting back to where he was is building relationships! He just didn't have the knowledge on how to do it in a short time frame. The solution? More opportunities to talk to realtors open to partnering with him. So we got to work and started prospecting realtors and within a short time frame, Gerry was off to the races talking to realtors he would have talked to in 3 months in just a span of two weeks! in the client interview video below Gerry said we had saved his business in a time when he had faced a crisis and he found the service to be incredibly valuable to him!

Ade Kester: Loan Officer Goes From One Man Show To Outsourcing Realtor Prospecting And Getting 4-5 Realtor Meetings Per Week

For most of his career until he came across us Ade was used to doing it all in his business and it proved to be very useful to him as it got him to a level of success but now he wanted to get to the next level and he realized after months of struggling that he couldn't do it without additional help.

He was doing outreach himself but was only able to talk to maybe 3-4 realtors per month and getting a referral from maybe 1 of them. In just the first WEEK, he landed 5 meetings with realtors and then 5 the next week and then 5 after that. Now he has realtors referring him business and all he has to do now is just takes meetings we set on his calendar after our team prospects, qualifies them and books them on his calendar (a big difference from before).

Linnea Clayton - 8 Deals In Escrow in 2 Months!

Linnea had approached us after hearing about our company from a colleague inside of the Mortgage Marketing Animals group. She had been doing cold calls herself but just simply didn't have the time to do it consistently to see results.

Within two months, she had 8 deals in escrow from realtors we brought her. Six months later, she has now quintupled her business! She's now building out her branch and scaling up!

Cara Belsby - 3 New Referral Partners And A Clear To Close In 60 Days!

Cara had recently got back in the industry after a prolonged break from being a mortgage broker. She had been looking for a way to grow her business but didn't want to do it through buying leads. She also knew that relying solely on referrals from her sphere of influence would not get her the kind of growth she was looking for.

She had been referred by a colleague at Edge Home Finance and took the leap of faith like many of our clients. In the first few days after her onboarding call she got her first meeting and she was incredibly happy with the quality and openness of the realtor.

Within 3 weeks, she already started getting referrals from realtors and to this day is still getting referrals from those same realtors!

Paul Francisco Acquires 4 Realtors That Keep Sending Him Business Each Month

Paul is a producing branch manager who was trying to find ways to get in front of more agents. The problem was he didn't have the time to be cold calling realtors. Instead, he wanted a faster way that would get him in front of the right agents.

Every month since starting with us, he's been averaging one new referral partner that is sending him business. He's been so happy with the system, he referred our company to all his loan officers!

Aileen Garcia Lands 11 Realtor Appointments Her First Week!

Aileen had been referred to us by another loan officer in her company. She had heard of the results and instantly jumped in!

For Aileen, she wanted to ramp up the amount of referral partners so we put in the work to turn on the flood of appointments. Within that first week she got 11 appointments! She was so ecstatic, she gave us a call thanking us for our service and even referred us to her mortgage broker colleagues!

Chad Jarratt: New Loan Officer Lands A Real Estate Team As A Referral Partner In Under 60 Days!

Chad is a new loan officer and so like many in his situation, the company didn't provide the adequate training or resources to support his growth, there was no real direction on how exactly. to acquire realtor partners except for "dial 50 realtors on Mondays."

He came to us confused and with a lack of direction. Immediately, we give him a proven process for booking endless realtor appointments, we then gave him our realtor meeting framework which is a proven system battle tested by our highest performing clients to arm him with the knowledge to turn strangers into realtor partners. In the first week , he got 7 appointments. In the second month, he got an entire real estate team of 5 agents to partner with him!

Robert Gates - 5 CPA Referral Partnerships Established In 60 Days!

Robert has always found that referrals from trusted advisors such as CPAs have been the best type of leads that he can get. In an effort to expend the number of CPAs he works with, he decided to have us put in place a prospecting system to land him meetings with quality CPAs who are open to working with him.

What he found most valuable is not only the time that this system saves but how fast the results came. Prior to this, it would take him 6 months to acquire 1 CPA partnership. Similar to our other clients, he loved that our service was fast, simple and we did what we said we would do.

Gabe Winslow - Closes 3 Transactions From New Referral Partners in 75 Days

As a mortgage broker, one of Gabe's primary lead sources was realtors. He had no problem going out and setting meetings with realtors but as his company grew he was finding that the time used for prospecting realtors was diminishing as other things were of higher priority. Regardless, he knew that realtor partners were essential for growing the purchase side of his business.

With our Done For You system, he was able to consistently get on 3-5 meetings with realtors per week during the pandemic and the refinance boom. He closed 3 transactions from his realtor partners in only 75 days not to mention the many more referrals come from those realtor referral partners in the years to come. He's still receiving meetings every single week and consistently growing his referral base of realtors.

When asked to give a few words on the feedback of the program and his results, Gabe Winslow said the following (see screenshot)

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